Pregnancy Therapy/Prenatal Therapy

When Do I Need to Reach Out to a Pregnancy Therapist?

Adjusting to pregnancy can be hard. You may be living in San Francisco and need a pregnancy therapist in CA. Prenatal therapy can help you address your fear for the changes ahead. Call a prenatal therapist in CA today.

Pregnancy is a time of transition and change. Your body is transforming, and your hormones are fluctuating wildly, leading to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or unexplained tears. Simultaneously, you are preparing for your new baby and anticipating the life changes their arrival will bring. While you want this to be a time of great joy and excitement, many women are surprised by the range of emotions they experience. You might hear other women expressing their love for being pregnant, but you feel differently. A Pregnancy Therapist can help you make sense of these emotions. 

Mixed feelings about pregnancy are entirely normal. Perhaps the pregnancy is unplanned, and you are unsure how you want to proceed. Perhaps you are dealing with medical complications that create anxiety or you’re battling the trauma of a previous pregnancy loss or issues with infertility. This can make it challenging to feel connected to or excited about this pregnancy. Overwhelming anxiety can result from these situations and others, and Prenatal Therapy can help. Additionally as a Prenatal Therapist, I utilize EMDR, and this can be an effective tool for clearing any previous trauma you may be holding.

You may find yourself contemplating questions like:

  • "Will I be a good mother?"

  • "How will my partner and I engage after the birth?"

  • "Will I enjoy motherhood?"

  • "How will I cope with all the new changes?"

  • "How can I heal enough from my prior loss to connect with this baby?"

Seeking the help of a Pregnancy Therapist for these feelings and questions can benefit both you and your growing baby, reducing the likelihood of ongoing postpartum depression or anxiety. 

I provide a safe haven to discuss the thoughts you keep hidden.

Adjusting to pregnancy can be hard. You may be living in CA and need a pregnancy therapist to help with all the changes to your body. Prenatal therapy can help you address your fear for the changes ahead. Call a prenatal therapist in CA.

Prenatal therapy or pregnancy therapy can offer numerous benefits.

  • Emotional support: Pregnancy can bring about a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to anxiety and fear. A prenatal therapist can provide a place for you to express and explore your emotions and navigate the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy.

  • Coping strategies: Prenatal therapy can equip you with effective coping strategies to manage the challenges that may arise during pregnancy. I teach relaxation techniques, stress management skills, and mindfulness practices that can help reduce anxiety, manage mood swings, and improve overall well-being.

  • Relationship support: Pregnancy can impact relationships, including those with partners, family members, and friends. Pregnancy therapy can help you navigate relationship dynamics, communicate effectively, and address any conflicts or concerns that may arise.

  • Addressing past trauma: Pregnancy can sometimes trigger unresolved trauma or bring up memories of past traumatic experiences. A prenatal therapist can help you process and heal from these traumas, reducing their impact on mental well-being during pregnancy. Pregnancy therapy utilizing approaches like EMDR can be particularly effective in addressing trauma-related symptoms.

  • Preparing for parenthood: Prenatal therapy can help you prepare for the transition to parenthood. We can address concerns, fears, and expectations related to parenting, and I can provide guidance and support in developing effective parenting strategies. This will help you feel more confident and prepared for the challenges of new motherhood.

  • Postpartum planning: Pregnancy therapy can also involve discussions and planning for the postpartum period. I will help you create a postpartum support plan, identify potential challenges, and develop strategies for self-care. This proactive approach will contribute to a smoother transition to motherhood.

Research has consistently shown that the emotional state of an expectant mother can impact her growing baby. Stress hormones can impact fetal growth in several ways, and epigenetic research reveals that a mother’s emotional functioning can influence the expression of certain genes in her growing baby.

As a Postpartum Therapist in California, I offer many services utilizing evidence-based treatments. Some services at Shameless Mama Wellness include treatment for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, birth trauma therapy, therapy for miscarriage and losspregnancy therapy and treatment for NICU PTSD.

Online therapy available to new moms in California.

As a Pregnancy Therapist, I can help you address many of these concerns during your pregnancy and help you prepare for the coming transition.

Read here: Why Therapy During Pregnancy Should be Required.

Pregnancy is a time to connect with the deep wisdom and intuition that resides within you as you prepare to become a mother.”

— Unknown